UzReport was founded in 1999. At that moment Uzbekistan was experiencing a rapid period of formation of the economy in the new conditions of independence and enhancing private entrepreneurship. At the same time an active interest from foreign investors was rising. There was a necessity of informing potential foreign partners on the most important events in our country. This was on of the main facts which led to the idea of creating UzReport information-analytical Internet portal, which became the first non-governmental channel about dynamic political and economic life of Uzbekistan.
Year after year UzReport as a reliable and quick source of information about Uzbekistan rapidly gained popularity both domestically and abroad. It reached a daily audience of several thousand users, has grown and developed its structure, new sections, such as the stock market, insurance, stock exchanges, industry... There have been agreements on the delivery of information in the database of the worlds largest information terminals, including : «Factiva» ( joint product of «Reuters» and «Dow Jones»),«ISI Emerging Markets»( «Euromoney» project), «Asia Pulse» and others. UzReport has been several times voted as the best Internet edition of Uzbekistan, and several of its reviewers and reporters have received national awards in journalism.
In 2009, UzReport Information agency was established on the basis of UzReport internet portal, which received Uzbek Agency for Press and Information registration certificate number 0605.
Today UzReport Information agency is one of the recognized leaders in the information market of Uzbekistan and includes one of the largest web portals of Uzbekistan accumulating daily news from different spheres of economic, political, and cultural life of Uzbekistan. The site has a maximum citation index of the Uzbek media in global search engines, having three language versions : Uzbek, Russian and English . It is simultaneously registered in two domain zones (uz. and com.). The portal Database contains valuable archive of analytical information about Uzbekistan (collected over the entire period of UzReport) including information about banks, stock exchanges, insurance, securities market, legislative and normative documents adopted in the field of economic development and entrepreneurship, etc. The visitors location of UzReport includes more than 100 countries. The daily audience is several thousand users.
In October 2012 «UzReport» News agency received from Uzbek Agency for Communication and Informatization a license number 0,004,217 for distribution of TV networks services. This license gives the agency the opportunity to implement plans to create its own channel , which shall contain: the news of politics, economy , sports, culture and high technology, forecasts and expert commentary of the financial market, interviews with business leaders, business press reviews, special programs on topical development of business and society in general, etc.
Link to UzReport portal

“Biznes – vestnik Vostoka” is an independent economic publication which first was issued in 1991. From its first issue it tried to give the readers the most important news about Uzbekistan. Economic reforms implemented in the country, regulations adopted by the Government in the field of commercial law, tax and customs regulations, statistics, the volume of foreign trade operations, analysis of commodity markets, and entrepreneurs opinion on the business environment - this is far from complete, list of issues that are always covered in the publication.
Today “Biznes – vestnik Vostoka” is an authoritative publication in the business community with a solid readership . It goes to press on weekdays, from Monday through Friday, in the amount of 240 editions a year. 80 % of the total circulation publication is distributed through subscription. Basic subscribers are Corporate Management: banks, exchange centers, industrial enterprises and companies, financial institutions, entities of small and medium businesses, embassies of neighboring countries, representatives of international organizations and financial institutions.
The main subject headings :
"Banking and Finance", "Insurance", "Exchange" , "Markets and Companies", "Production and Export", "Technologies" , "Cooperation" , etc. Link to “Biznes – vestnik Vostoka” newspaper

UzJobs is a specialized reference and information resource for job search and recruitment in Uzbekistan. The main task of the resource is to help prospective professionals in the job search and training, and companies in finding qualified labor personnel and their professional development.
Additional resource gives the possibility of obtaining background information on labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the interesting publications covering the labor market and education, the terms used in HR outsourcing.
We are ready to provide everyone a wide range of advisory services on personnel records and workflow, labor relations and labor law.
UzJobs pages provides information useful for both job seekers and employers, including :
Vacancies for temporary and permanent work
Data bank of highly qualified specialists
Information about training courses, professional trainings and seminars
Information about schools and training centers
Labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Practical Guide to HR administration
Specialized dictionary of "labor" terms
Publications covering the labor market and education.
Link to UzJobs site

MnogoRabot is one of the projects of UzJobs,, which is primarily directed on seeking for an employee, maintenance or administrative personnel in Uzbekistan.
The basis of the site contains short text information (from private persons, employers and educational institutes), which is grouped by three thematic headings: “Searching for a job, orders”, “Specialists required” and “Training”.
Link to MnogoRabot

UzRating is a system for internet statistics, which allows gathering and analyzing the information about Uzbekistan' s web-resources visitors.
UzRating is a professional and independent monitoring tool, giving an objective assessment for a web-resource popularity, which is required by:
• resource owners, who plan developing dynamic business through internet
• advertisers, making decisions on the effectiveness and feasibility of PR- actions on the Internet
• marketing specialists, analyzing information on the target audiences on the Internet and other specialists in the field of the Internet.
The opportunities of the UzRating can be used by any web-resource owner, as for a large commercial projects, so for small personal pages, because the existing system in service plans may provide services to all comers statistics at both the paid and free of charge.
UzRating system represents 41 statistical reports, which contain tables and graphics. Reports may contain information about visiting the whole resource or its individual sections and pages. In addition, the system has the possibility of combining multiple resources into a single portal and providing a complex report of the visits of the portal as a whole. Complex portal report allows in addition to general parameters statistics comparing the frequency of resources attendance combined into a single portal and analysis of the intersection of their audiences.
UzRating can give answers to many questions about the popularity of the resource and its target audience, for example:
- Number of visitors to your website by the hours, days of week, months, etc.;
- information about your regular audience , and how many people visited your site for the first time ;
- the geographical origin of visitors;
- what browsers and which operating systems are used by your visitors , what screen resolution they use;
- what sites have links to your site ;
- through which search engines people find your site and what search terms they use;
- which pages or sections of your site are the most popular;
- And much more.
UzRating collects and analyzes information about the visits based on the system which tracks the user' s actions, whether he entered the site or not. To use these service your must register UzRating system, after which a indicator counter shall appear on your site. Anyone moving through your site, without knowing it leaves information about himself, which collects and considers counter. The result of the counter is a summary statistic of all visits to the resource.
Link to UzRating site |