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Rating services

Reliability rating (credit rating) - an assessment of the ability and willingness of an economic entity fully and timely meet its obligations to customers and investors. Since, in a market economy has increased interest to participants in the economic process of objective and reliable information about the financial condition and business activity, the rating was the most effective tool for reflection and obtaining such information.

All market players use our ratings services- owners (shareholders), investors, banks, stock exchanges, suppliers, buyers, insurance companies and other stakeholders in an unambiguous assessment of the competitiveness and reliability of its partners and clients.

Given that, our Agency has offered rating services since 2004 for financial institutions and is the first rating agency in the country to assign ratings on a national scale. Potential customers of our rating services are insurance companies, banks, leasing companies and enterprises. Also our Agency develops and implements rating procedures of non-financial organizations, such as universities, Internet sites and others.

The basic agency advantages:

- Agency is independent of financial market players and state authorities, which is undoubtedly reflected in the quality of services provided;

- Agency prepares a detailed report for every issuer, which can be used in negotiations with potential clients or investors;

- Agency publishes ratings and rating reports in the media, helping to create a positive image of rated companies and promote rating services.

It should be noted that the independent rating score is nowadays a modern effective tool in communicating information about the condition and reliability of a company in a simple and understandable language for the general public. Also having a rating reflects the financial transparency of a company, as it provides all the data about financial condition to the rating agency. In addition, the rating score is used by companies in PR and advertising campaigns.

 Detailed information about the rating methods, scales and procedures can be found here.

The latest information on assigned ratings can be found here.

To place an order for our rating services you may contact to our agency office.


The marketing and consulting services on financial sector

The Agency analysts and experts possess extensive experience on research, analyzing different sectors of the financial market and the branches of economy on the whole. This type of work is conducted by the Department on financial analysis and rating, which monitors the changes financial and economic sectors. The department regularly prepares analytical materials and reviews by the results of the research.  

Particularly the Agency offers following products and services:

- marketing researches on particular spheres of finance and economy (insurance market, leasing services market, banking sector and others);

- consulting services for enterprises and financial organizations on analyzes of financial conditions and development of proposals for financial results improvement;

- stress-testing and building up the risk-management system for financial organizations;

- other services related to the agency's research activity.

To place an order for our services you may contact our agency office



Our agency has a professional team, which is specialized on organization of different business and press-events, such as:

- Tashkent international investment financial forum;

- Tashkent international forum on “Marketing, advertisement and PR”;

- Tashkent international HR-forum;

- Exhibition on financial services;

- Fair on vacancies;

- many other types of forums, conferences, exhibitions, press-events and etc.

In particular we organize forums, conferences, round tables, business meetings, presentations, exhibitions, fairs, press-conferences, press-tours, briefings and other similar events for you.

The complex of services on organization of business and press-events include:

  • Development of the event's general program and scenario.
  • Determining the optimal venue, preparation of the necessary equipment (microphones, projector, screen, simultaneous translation equipment, seating, podium, etc.) and additional program (reception, coffee breaks, etc.).
  • Prepare a list of invitees, invitations, inviting media, registration of participants and support during the event.
  • Preparation of the message or press-release for the event, their distribution on the basis of targeted media.
  • Own media support for the event: including UzReport resources ( internet-portal, Newswire.Uzreport ( press-release spread systems and other media.
  • Providing of a final report on the results of the event (photo and video report, published in the list of publications and media reports, other materials).

To put an order for our event-services you may contact our agency office

Media monitoring services

We offer a wide range of services on media monitoring, which allows to evaluate the effectiveness of PR-activities, programs and campaigns. For this case our agency has a media monitoring group. Based on the data of this group our specialists can analyze the image and popularity of a company among the public.

In particular, we offer the following services:

- TV monitoring. Preparation of studies and analyzes on individual brands, advertising their products and services to television channels in accordance with customer requirements. Output monitoring of TV commercials on the air in accordance with the media plan and issue a report on the results of monitoring.

- Internet monitoring. Preparing reports quoting brand on the Internet, including social networks , as well as analysis of community response to this or that marketing and others.

- Monitoring of the print media. Reporting by brand, in particular, by the quotability and the volume of advertising space in the media.

- Other services relating to media monitoring .

To order a media monitoring services, please contact the office of the Agency


Advertising Services

- Advertising in online resources:,,, portals and other online projects of the Agency.

Considering a rather large audience of online resources of the Agency (several thousand people a day) advertising on its pages (in the form of banners, contextual ads or PR- articles) is an effective tool for promoting products, services or brands. Experienced specialists of our Agency will help you choose the best option that best meets your needs and budget , and, if necessary, will assist in the preparation of banner advertising or PR- text articles .

- Advertisement in Biznes Vestnik Vostoka daily business newspaper.

Biznes Vestnik Vostoka is an independent economic publication, the authoritative publication among the business community with a solid readership. It goes to press on weekdays, Monday through Friday, in the amount of 240 issues a year. 80 % of the total circulation is distributed through subscription. Basic subscribers are Corporate Management: banks, exchange centers, industrial enterprises and companies, financial institutions, entities of small and medium businesses, embassies of neighboring countries, representatives of international organizations and financial institutions. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will help create a schedule of outputs in the newspaper advertising layout and prepare advertising module.

- Advertising on main TV channels of Uzbekistan.

Our Agency organizes the publication of information in a televised broadcast on favorable terms and at competitive prices through UzReport Information Agency ( the official agent of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan). We will provide a range of services for advertising on the central TV channels of Uzbekistan (Uzbekiston, Toshkent , Yoshlar, Sport, NTT) and cable television studios in Tashkent including:

• develop a media plan to advertise on TV channels based on their rankings and audiences.

• develop a script, screen and prepare the video, or information topic.

• provide additional discounts and bonuses on large orders

• monitoring of the actual output of your advertising on the air.

To order advertising services, contact the agency office

PR - Services

- PR- support (PR- outsourcing).

Experience and skills of our PR experts allow performing such tasks as formation or adjustment of the company's image, product or brand through creation of stable and regular flow of information materials. We will ensure growth in the number of positive feedbacks of your company in online and print media, help you create a positive image among the public. Complementing your press service, or completely replacing it, we perform the full range of services for PR-support, we can:

• develop an effective interaction with mass media.

• prepare targeted media base for regular distribution of information about the company

• undertake news planning, generate and strengthen information grounds.  

• prepare on regular basis of press releases, feature articles, interviews and other information materials (if necessary simultaneously in three languages: Russian, Uzbek, English) and their distribution on the basis of targeted media

• Provide information support in our own media, including the following resources: UzReport (, internet portal, Newswire.Uzreport ( press release distribution systems.

• Develop and hold press events (briefings, press tours, press lunches, press conferences, etc.)

• Organize regular monitoring of the information field in comparison with major competitors.

• Create archive of publications, reports and stories about the company.

- Placement of publications in online media of Uzbekistan.

Having cooperation agreements with leading Uzbek online media, UzReport Information agency is ready to provide guaranteed distribution of publications about your company (press releases, PR- articles, announcements, public statements, etc.) on Uznet resources on the most favorable conditions for you. If necessary, agency staff will help you with the preparation of text and adapting them to different types of online media.

To place an order for PR- services, contact the Agency office


Personnel consulting services, outsourcing and recruitment

Under HR consulting our specialists, will provide you the following services:

- Evaluation of personnel registration.

Evaluation of personnel registration in compliance with standards of HR documentation and requirements of labor legislation. On the basis of the evaluation, a report is drawn up on identified deficiencies with recommendations for their elimination.

- Human resources registration.

Human resources registration in newly established enterprises, with their specific is done from scratch. It includes the provision of a full package of documents required in Human resources registration, and advice on its use.

- Human resources training.

Individual training of an employee who is responsible for human resources operations in a company. Training is carried out without departing from  main workflow. In the course of training, the employee is provided with samples of different forms and patterns (orders, statements, registration books, etc.) used in the management of Human resources registration, and acquire the necessary knowledge of labor law. Upon completion of basic training, the employee will be provided with free consultation support for a certain period.

- Development of internal regulations.

Upon request, the company develops internal norms governing human resources management and human resource management in the enterprise (including norms on structural units, collective agreement, work rules, job descriptions and other organizational documents).

Within HR outsourcing, our experts will undertake the following functions of your HR department:

- Preparation of the company staff list based on the organizational structure, approving and making changes on it.

- Conclusion of employment contracts. Formalizing the employment relationship between employer and employee: development, conclusion, making changes and additions, as well as the termination of the employment contract.

- Building and maintaining employees personal files, subject to the necessary requirements of HR administration.

- Acquisition, filling and maintenance of employees work books and journals on their account.

- Participation in the activities of the commission on social insurance. Calculating the total experience of the employee, giving the right to social insurance, registration forms for temporary disability and journals of the Commission on Social Insurance.

- Maintain organizational executive documentation. Formation and registration of orders and instructions of the management on hiring, dismissal of employees, staff movements, providing labor holidays, business trips, etc.


If you do not plan to search and recruit staff using our site’s services, you can order our company' s recruitment service. In this case, we will take all the work of search and recruitment of employees that you need.

Here you can get more information or make an order for our services on human resources consulting, outsourcing and recruitment.

Internet statistics services

We offer services on preparation of reviews and analyses based on our Internet statistics. Based on the UzRating data system we can provide answers to many questions about the popularity of the resource and its target audience, such as :

- Number of visitors to your website by the hours, days of week, months, etc.;

- information about your regular audience , and how many people visited your site for the first time;

- geography of visit;

- what browsers and which operating systems are used by your visitors, what screen resolution they use ;

- what sites have links to your site;

- through which search engines people find your site and what search terms they use;

- which pages or sections of your site are the most popular;

- And much more.

To order services, please contact the Agency’s office

Copyright © 2008 — 2025, Information-rating agency SAIPRO LLC
All rights for distribution of materials from this site
belong to UzReport Information agency LLC
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