Modern Uzbekistan – is a leading industrial state in Central Asia, providing stability and economical development of the whole region, has mentioned in his opening speech, in the VI- Tashkent international investment-financial forum (TIIFF), the Minister of foreign economic relations, investments and trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Elyor Ganiyev.
From the first days of independence in Uzbekistan has been held the consequent transformation of the economics, including that the efforts of the government are primarily directed to creating the active and efficient institutional basis of the market economy, systematic reforming and liberalization of the economy, the further modernization of industrial spheres, development of the trade and economical relations with other countries.
Over the past few years, in Uzbekistan were carried out large scale structural institutional reforms, resulted with that our republic became the first among the other CIS republics in the stage of economical growth, and already by the year 2000, restored the pre-reform level of gross domestic product. Due to the constant implementation of Uzbek reforming model, for the past 12 years, economics scales of Uzbekistan doubled. The sustainable macro-economic stability, balance of internal and external sectors have been reached, reflected in areas such as balancing of the state budget, which from 2005, has been completed with profits, stability of foreign positions, characterized by the stable positive saldo of trade, payment balance and the consistent growth of golden resources, -stated the Minister of foreign economic relations, investments and trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Elyor Ganiyev.
Should we also say, that the held structural reforms create conditions for providing the stable pace of the economic growth of Uzbekistan – more than 8 % a year during the last seven years. Beginning from 2000, the industrial share in the economics of the country has grown up to 17 % till 26% in 2012. The middle inflation of the investments into the economics annually compose not more than 20 % of GDP, small and private business share in GDP already exceeded 50%. Public’s financial profits are growing up to 22%-24% a year, stimulating the internal demand for different types of service and goods.
- By 2012 results, the GDP of the country has risen up to 8,2%, the growth of the industrial production composed 7,7 %, agricultural production-7%, retail turn over- 13,9%. Other macro-economical indicators carry the positive character. As for the banking system of Uzbekistan, it has the high indicators for the capitalization, stability and safety. The sufficiency level of the capital is 24 %, that for three times increases Basel standards, - added Elyor Ganiyev.
Should we note, that by the estimation marks of the independent experts, including the International Currency fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other authorized financial institutions, today Uzbekistan showed the high paces of the economic growth, consistently is developing the industry, agriculture, private sector, has been providing the stable growth of the direct foreign investments.
According to their forecasts, the high paces of the economic growth of Uzbekistan will keep for the nearest 5-10 years on the level 7%-8%.
On the information of the Ministry of foreign economic relations, investment, and trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in achieving such stable indicators of the economic growth of the country, the foreign investments played significant role.
For the period of independent development of our country’s economic, were attracted investments in amount of more than $120 billion, 50% of them – direct foreign investments. In 2012, the total volume of the attracted foreign investments composed more than 6 billion $, from which to the share of direct foreign investments accounted about 80 %. The annual growth of the foreign investments composed 20-25%, that indicates the high attractiveness of the Uzbek economy and its capabilities, stressed Elyor Ganiyev.
Source: uzreport.uz |