Terms of participation
The registration fee is:
• 750 EURO – if registered before 31 December 2012; • 850 EURO – if registered before 1 March 2013; • 900 EURO – if registered after 1 March 2013.
We provide discount:
10% - if from 3 to 5 representatives of one organization attend the forum; 15% - if from 6 to 10 representatives of one organization attend the forum; 20% - if over 10 representatives of one organization attend the forum;
The registration fee covers the following costs:
• Participation in the forum and other events within the forum framework (from Wednesday 24 April to Friday 26 April 2013); • Catering (cocktail on 24 April, lunch, dinner on 25 April; lunch, dinner on 26 April; breakfast, lunch, dinner on 27 April; breakfast, lunch on 28 April), coffee breaks, according to the Programme; • Place for bilateral meetings; • Handout materials; • Simultaneous translation from Russian language to English and from English language to Russian throughout the forum; • Registration of companies and delegates on the website; • Transportation of participant from place of accommodation to the forum venue (if the participant stays in Uzbekistan Hotel); • Trip to Bukhara(introduction to the history of Uzbekistan); • Accommodation in the city of Bukhara.
Registration fee does not cover arrival to and departure from Uzbekistan, visa expenses and accommodation in Tashkent hotels. The contract and the bill are sent after the application for participation is received. Application can be filled on-line (www.saipro.uz) fax, e-mail(info@saipro.uz) Additionally the organizers of the Forum offer the guests to arrange the trips to historical cities of Khiva and Samarkand, as well as mountain resorts located in Tashkent region (Tien-Shan mountains). The expenses for the organization of these tours are covered by the participants separately.
Form of payment:
Banking transfer to the account of the organizing company; Credit card (Visa). Upon payment, please send a copy of the payment order by e-mail or fax.
Bank details:
SAIPRO INFORMATION RATING AGENCY Address: 1/29, Gulistan Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Phone: +(998 71) 236 00 55 INN 207064163, OKONH 84500 Acct: 20208978704832374001, With POJSCB “InFinBank, 18b, Navoi Str., Tashkent, Uzbekistan MFO 01041 INTP: 206942764 SWIFT: INFBUZ2X
Correspondent Bank: COMMERZBANK AG FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY Correspondent Bank SWIFT: COBADEFF Correspondent Acct: 400886729300
Correspondent Bank: RAIFFEISEN ZENTRALBANK OESTERREICH AG VIENNA, AUSTRIA Correspondent Bank SWIFT: RZBAATWW Correspondent Acct: 1-55.085.997/100
Deadline for registration:
- for the participants who need visa for entrance to Uzbekistan - 10 April 2013; - for the participants who don?t need visa for entrance to Uzbekistan - 15 April 2013.
Accommodation is paid for by the participants separately. If the participant is registered before 1 April 2013 the room is booked by the organizer. If the participant is registered after 1 April 2013 the room should be book independently.
Place of accommodation:
«INTERNATIONAL HOTEL TASHKENT» ***** (107a Amir Temur Street, Tashkent) «UZBEKISTAN» **** (45 Musahanova Street, Tashkent)
The registration fee covers:
- lunches on 25 and 26 April (first two days of the forum); - cocktail on 24 April (day of registration); - gala-dinner on 25 April (1st day of the forum); - dinner on 26 April (2nd day of the forum); - coffee breaks on 25 and 26 April (first two days of the forum); - lunch and dinner in Bukhara as a part of the trip (3rd day of the forum); - breakfast and lunch in Bukhara as a part of the trip (4th day of the forum).
Sightseeing trip to Bukhara:
The registration fee covers sightseeing tour in Tashkent and trip to Bukhara, accommodation and catering in Bukhara (the entrance fee to places of sightseeing).
For additional information, please contact us by the following telephone numbers:
+ 998 (71) 236 00 55, + 998 (71) 232 27 29.
E-mail: info@saipro.uz
Web-site: www.saipro.uz
Contact person: Dilshod Sultanov, mob. num.: +998 90 977 27 47