State bodies
M. Radjabova, Senate of Oliy Majlis
A. Muminov, Chairman of the Legislative Chamber Committee
S. Jabborov, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber Committee
O. Ohunova, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber Committee
A. Jumaev, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber Committee
B. Soatov, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber Committee
N. Sidikov, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber Committee
R. Ohunov, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber Committee
F. Bokiev, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
J. Rizaev, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
M. Mirzaev, Deputy Finance Minister
O. Ikramov, Chief of State Insurance Inspectorate of Uzbekistan
I. Halilov, Deputy Chief of State Insurance Inspectorate of Uzbekistan
A. Hodjaev, Uzbek Agency for Communication and Informatization
Structures and associations
J. Hakimov, Public Fund for Support and Development of Independent Print Media and Information Agencies of Uzbekistan
N. Kosimov, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan
M. Mirsadykov, Association of Professional Participants of the Uzbek Insurance Market
Representatives of foreign companies
D. Tadjibaeva, U. Ahmedov, UNDP
Loup Breford, World Bank office
B. Gofurov, I. Gulyamov, ADB office
S. Usmanov, EBRD office
E. Chomak, TICA office
Insurance companies
Uzbekinvest, Uzagrosugurta, Kafolat, Madad, ALSKOM, Kapital Sugurta, IShONCh, AJSK, Temir Yol – Sugurta, Unipolis, Universal Sugurta, UzAIG, Transinsurance, Asko Vostok, UVT Inshurans, Toshkent Sugurta, Parvina Sugurta, Alfa Invest, Uzbekinvest Hayot, ARK Sugurta, Fotis Sugurta, Asia Inshurans, Kafil Sugurta, Transinsurance Plus, Inter Tesko, Garant Insurance Group, Alliance Insurance, Ingosstrakh, Soglasie, BK Most
Assistance companies
Uzbekinvest Assistance, Invest Safe Group
Educational establishments
Academy of State and Social Construction under the President of Uzbekistan, Banking-Finance Academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Economy University, Tashkent Finance Institute, Branch of Russian Economic Academy named after Plehanov
National Bank of Uzbekistan for Foreign Economic Activity, Asaka Bank, Savdogar Bank, Uzpromstroybank, Ipoteka Bank, Galla Bank, InFinBank, Trust Bank, Alp Jamol Bank, Microcredit Bank, Kapitalbank, UzKDB Bank, Bank Ipak Yuli, Aloqa Bank, UT-BANK, Turonbank, Pakhta Bank, Hamkorbank
Investment companies
Orient capital management, Aleks Group Investment
Mass Media
Radio: Yoshlar, Mashal, Vodiy Sadisu, Hamroh, Poytaht, Grand
Newspapers: Biznes-vestnik Vostoka, Hamkor, Delovoy Partner Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan Today, Khalq Sozi, NTV, Pravda Vostoka, Jamiyat
Agencies: UzA, Jahon, Turkiston Press, Region Inform,
Foreign: Al-Alam (Iran), Interfax (Russia), RIA Novosti (Russia), Jihan (Turkey), Kabar (Kyrgyz Republic, Kazinform (Kazakhstan), Azer TAdj (Azerbaijan) |