
November 30 - December 1 2011 INTERCONTINENTAL TASHKENT
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

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Saidullo Abdullaev: "Further cooperation will help us create credit bureaus, which will become a standard in CIS"


On November 30 - December 1, 2011, IFC (International Finance Corporation) and the Information-Rating Agency SAIPRO are holding two-day seminar-conference "Re-Engineering of Finance through Automation Tools, Scoring Solutions and Credit Bureaus".

During the event Saidullo Abdullaev, Director General of the Banks Association of the Republic of Uzbekistan welcomed the participants.

"Talking about the system of credit bureaus, in Uzbekistan, they have been operating for seven years. But today we stand at the threshold of changes, when there will be a division of public credit registry and the credit bureaus. In this scenario, banks, credit institutions, leasing companies get more space for developing their activities due to more extensive information.

"Further cooperation with major financial institutions in order to comply with international standards will help us create credit bureaus of such level that will become a standard for the CIS countries.

"This international seminar-conference will allow experts to gain new knowledge that will be beneficial

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